The top 13 signs you're not at the real senate impeachment hearings
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13. Videotaped "deposition" consists solely of Sharon Stone crossing and uncrossing her legs. 12. Judge Judy unleashes a stern tongue-lashing, telling everyone to "just grow up." 11. Senator Moe`s frequent outbursts of "Why, I oughtta..." 10. Presiding Judge is wearing four gold stripes. And nothing BUT stripes. 9. Mandatory line dancing between votes. 8. Ten minutes into Hamburgler`s testimony, you realize "Mayor McCheese" *isn`t* a tacky name for Bill Clinton. 7. 15 minute recess involves a slide and monkey bars. 6. Strom Thurmond just moved. 5. George Will is presiding over the hearings and the "Rip Clinton a New Rectum" motion just passed. 4. No "Eau de Kennedy." 3. All testimony submitted in the form of a dirty limerick. 2. For $20, "Monica" allows anyone to play the part of "Bill" during the re-enactment. 1. Only vote against impeachment? Senator John Bobbitt.
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