President precedent
Politics jokes
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Difference Between a Bad *President* and a Bad *Precedent* ... BAD *PRECEDENT: Tipper: "How does it feel to be the big man, Hon?" Al: "Well Tip, it took 17 lawsuits and 18 months of election recounts, but I`d do it all again." ... BAD *PRESIDENT: Mr. Bush, repeat after me. I do solemnly swear - "I do solemonemoney swear..." - that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States - "... that I will fatally execute the official President of the United States..." - and will to the best of my ability - "... and will to the best of my abli-tilly ..." - preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States - "... preservect defenestrate the United ... the Constitual ... the ... um ... of America." - So help me God. - "So help me. So help my dog. Oh, God, is it over?"
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