A russian visits denny's restaurant
Politics jokes
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More American Observations by Yakov Smirnoff Because there are so many restaurants in the Unites States, you`ll have to be selective. The very first American restaurant I visited was Denny`s. We didn`t have Denny`s in Russia--thank God! What a strange place. When I want in to be seated, the hostess asked me, "How many in your party?" I said, "Two million.". She gave me a corner booth. You may start to wonder about some of the people who work there. They all seem to look the same. I was curious to know if, to hire someone there, they require a three pimple minimum. The hardest thing to get used to is the service they give. I ordered a hamburger in one place and the waiter asked me if I wanted him to "hold my pickle". I said, "No, thanks, not while I`m eating." Then he asked if he could "toast my buns." When he offered me some "secret sauce", I decided to take my meal "to go". When he said he was going to put it in a doggie bag, I just stuffed the food in my pocket and left.
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