No sex for lent joke
Humor jokes
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As an ultimate test of his will power, a man decided to give up sex for Lent. Although not thrilled with the idea, his wife agreed to support him in this effort. The first few weeks weren`t too difficult. Things got tougher during the next couple of weeks, so the wife wore Her dowdiest nightclothes and chewed on garlic before going to bed. The last couple of weeks were extremely tough on the husband, so the wife took to locking the bedroom door and forcing the husband to sleep on the couch. Easter morning finally came. A knock came on the wife`s bedroom door. "KNOCK!! KNOCK!! KNOCK!!" Husband: "Guess whom?" Wife: "I know who it is!" Husband: "Guess what I want?" Wife: "I know what you want!" Husband: "Guess what I`m knockin` with?"
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