Powerpoint nudity
Computer jokes
Rating : 3.61, 45 votes.
Reviews : 9 [add review]
Has someone heard this one? If so, what exactly have you heard about this high tech surprise. I understand that a graphic artist in Rochester New York began to ungroup the clipart figures in PowerPoint 4.0. He continued to remove the clothing of these cartoon figures only to discover that the business woman was drawn anatomically (sp?) correct, down to real breasts, hair, etc. The same was true of the clipart figure of a guy leaning over Her desk. I'm not enough of a techie to know if this could happen. It sounds implausible, but if it's not true... It should be. I was told that it originated from a disgruntled artist who originated the clipart back in '95. (Maybe an ex-Disney artist who worked on "Lion King" and "Little Mermaid". Has anyone ever seen this to say it's true?
Rating : 3.61, 45 votes.
Reviews : 9 [add review]
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