Computer jokes
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It says: "Press Any Key" It means: "Press any key you like but I`m not moving." It says: "Press A Key" (This one`s a programmers joke. Nothing happens unless you press the "A" key.) It says: "Fatal Error. Please contact technical support quoting error no. 1A4-2546512430E" It means: "... where you will be kept on hold for 10 minutes, only to be told that it`s a hardware problem." It says: "Installing program to C:." It means: "... and I`ll also be writing a few files into c:windows and c:windowssystem where you`ll NEVER find them." It says: "Please insert disk 11" It means: "Because I know darn well there are only 10 disks." It says: "Cannot read from drive D:."It means: "... however, if you put the CD in right side up..." It says: "Please wait." It means: "... Indefinitely." It says: "Directory does not exist." It means: ". any more. Whoops." It says: "The application caused an error. Choose Ignore or Close." It means: ".makes no difference to me, you`re still not getting your work back." Submitted by Curtis Edited by calamjo
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