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Blonde jokes
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There was a blonde and she wanted to buy a TV and so she went to a store to buy a TV. She goes in the store and looks around and finds a TV she really likes. She goes up to the man at the cash register and says "Hey can I buy this TV?" The guy says "No, I don`t sell any thing to blondes!" Sad, she leaves the store but then as she is passing a salon she has a good idea ( for once) she thought "I am gonna dye my hair." The next day she comes in the store with black hair she finds the TV and says "Hello. can I buy this TV?" "No, I don`t sell to blondes" Well, this dyeing her hair a different color goes on and on at last she dyes she hair blue, comes in and says "Can I get a TV?" "No, I don`t sell to blondes." he said for the 6th time. "But how do you know I am a blonde?" "Because miss that isn`t a TV, it is a microwave." Submitted by Admin Edited by Curtis
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