Turner brown
Adult jokes
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A small white guy goes into an elevator and the only other passenger is a huge black dude standing next to him. The big black dude looks down upon the small white guy and says, `2.5 m tall, 130 kg, 40 cm dick, 1.5 kg left ball, 1.5 kg right ball, Turner Brown.` The small white guy faints. The big black dude picks up the small white guy and brings him to, slapping his face and shaking him and asks the small white guy, `What`s wrong?` The small white guy says, `Excuse me, but what did you say?` The big black dude looks down and says, `2.5 m tall, 130 kg, 40 cm dick, 1.5 kg left ball, 1.5 kg right ball, Turner Brown.` The small white guy says, `Thank God. I thought you said, "turn around".`
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