New to the country-1
Redneck jokes
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A man who had just moved out to the country decides to start a farm. He goes to one nearby and asks to buy a chicken. The farmer tells the man that they don`t call them chickens there. "We say pullets." Then the man selects a donkey. The farmer says, "We don`t call them donkeys. Here we say, asses. And, by the way, if he ever stops on you, why just hit him a few times." Then the man asks for one more animal. He asked for a rooster. The farmer says, "We also have a slang name for them. We call them cocks." The man was walking home, down the road with His three new animals, when all of a sudden the donkey stops in the middle of the road. A woman is also walking down the street and he asks Her if she will do a favor for him. She says, "Sure, what do you need?" The man replies, "Can you hold my cock and pullet... while I slap my ass?"
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