The types of cows
Politics jokes
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If a communist has two cows, he gives both to the government, and the government sells him some of the milk. If a Socialist has two cows, he gives both to the government, and the government gives him some of the milk. If a Nazi has two cows, the government shoots him, and takes both cows. If a Capitalist has two cows, he sells one and buys a bull. If a New dealist has two cows, he kills one, milks the other, and throws away the milk. If a Liberalist has two cows, he sells them to the rich, then taxes them one cow and gives it to the poor. If a Conservatist has two cows, he locks them up and charges people to look at them. If an Atheist has two cows, he doesn`t believe it. If a Taoist has two cows, he lets them wander off. If a Platonist has two cows, he looks for two others to milk. If a Aristocrat has two cows, he sells them and buys one big one. If a Pacifist has two cows, they stampede him. If a government worker has two cows, he can`t sell them, fire them, or even label them as cows. If a Hillary Clinton has two cows, she robs the ranches and gives everyone two cows. If she doesn`t have enough, she gives them bull.
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