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  Jokes > Politics jokes : Somewhere in america...

Somewhere in america...

Politics jokes Rating : 0.00, 0 votes. Reviews : 0 [add review]

Dad - Son, come in here, we need to talk. Son - What`s up,
Dad? D - There`s a scratch down the side of the car. Did you
do it? S - I don`t believe, if I understand the definition of
"scratch the car", that I can say, truthfully, say that I
scratched the car. D - Well, it wasn`t there yesterday, and
you drove the car last night, and no one else has driven it
since. How can you explain the scratch? S - Well, as I`ve
said before, I have no recollection of scratching the car.
While it is true that I did take the car out last night, I
did not scratch it. D - But your sister, Monica, has told me
she saw you back the car against the mailbox at the end of
the driveway, heard a loud scraping sound, saw you get out to
examine the car, and then drive away. So again I`ll ask you,
yes or no, did you scratch the car? S - Oh, you mean you
think you have evidence to prove I scratched it. Well, you
see, I understood you to mean did "I" scratch the car. I
stand by my earlier statement, that "I" did not scratch the
car. D - Are you trying to tell me you didn`t drive the car
into the mailbox? S- Well, you see sir, I was trying to drive
the car into the street. I mishandled the steering of the
car, and it resulted in direct contact with the mailbox,
though that was clearly not my intent. D - So you are then
saying that you did hit the mailbox? S - No sir, that`s not
my statement. I`ll refer you back to my original statement
that I did not scratch the car. D - But the car did hit the
mailbox, and the car did get scratched as a result of this
contact? S - Well, yes, I suppose you could look at it that
way. D - So you lied to me when you said you did not scratch
the car? S - No. No, that`s not correct. Your question was
"Did "I" scratch the car?". >From a strict legal definition,
as I understood the meaning of that sentence, "I" did not
scratch the car... the mailbox did... I was merely present
when the scratching occurred. So my answer of "No" when you
asked "Did "I" scratch the car" was legally correct, although
I did not volunteer information. D - Where in the heck did
you learn to be such a smart alec? S - From The President of
the United States. D - I see.

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