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  Jokes > Politics jokes : Hitler and the pig

Hitler and the pig

Politics jokes Rating : 0.00, 0 votes. Reviews : 0 [add review]

Adolf Hitler is speeding through Germany with his chauffeur
at the wheel on his way to an important address.

Driving down a country road, the chauffeur (who is
distracted, looking out the window at the countryside)
doesn`t see a pig walk out onto the road, and he hits in with
the car.

Stopping the car, he jumps out, and Adolf climbs out also to
see what is going on. The chauffeur, very distressed by what
he`s done asks Hitler what they should do, and Hitler tells
him impatiently that they`re in a hurry and they should move
the pig to the side of the road and go to the address and
worry about it later.

All the way to the address the chauffeur, who is a fairly
good-hearted person despite his employer, is worried about
the family who owned the pig and wondered how they`d react to
discovering the pig, so when they arrived he asked Hitler
whether he shouldn`t drive back to the farm and let them know
what happened.

Hitler agrees before hurrying to the podium, and the
Chauffeur hurries back down the road.

Four hours later, stumbling down the road, his arms full of
sausage and bread and his breath smelling of liquor.

Hitler in a rage demands to know what has happened to him,
and the chauffeur explains, "I did what I thought was right.
I went to the farm where I killed the pig. When I went and
knocked on the door and gave them the news, they gave me this
sausage and bread, fed me the best ale I`ve ever tasted and
let me have their way with their beautiful nubile young
daughter and then sent me on my way."

Adolf seemed confused by this and asks his chauffeur, "well
what exactly did you tell them?"

To which the chauffeur replied "I really can`t understand it
either, all I did was tell them "I`m Hitler`s Chauffeur, and
I killed the pig."

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