Elizabeth and di on a drive
Politics jokes
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Queen Elizabeth and Princess Di are driving down a deserted country road in a new Rolls-Royce. Princess Di is at the wheel. She looks in the mirror and sees an old car following them. The driver is wearing a ski mask and hat, and he has a rifle. He motions for them to pull over. "Quick," she says to Elizabeth, "you hide your jewels, and I`ll hide my money." Di pulls over by the side of the road, and so does man. The man gets out of his car, slams the door, and walks up to them. He turns to Di. "Gimme all your money," he sneers. "I`m sorry, I don`t have any money," Di responds politely. He turns to Elizabeth. "Give me all your jewels." "I`m sorry, I don`t have any jewels on me," she responds politely. The man scowls. "Get out of the car. Both of you!" They obey. The man gets into the car and drives off. When the man and the car are gone, Di asks Elizabeth, "Where did you hide your jewels?" "Oh, in that special place that women have." answers Elizabeth "Where did you hide your money?" "Oh, I hid my money in that special place women have, too." says Di. She pauses for a second and looks down the road. "If Fergie were here, we`d still have the car..."
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