Steven wright 17
One liners
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For a while I didn`t have a car... I had a helicopter... No place to park it, so I just tied it to a lamp post and left it running... [Slow glance upward.] I hooked up my accelerator pedal in my car to my brake lights. I hit the gas, people behind me stop, and I`m gone. I replaced the headlights in my car with strobe lights, so it looks like I`m the only one moving. I play the harmonica. The only way I can play is if I get my car going really fast, and stick it out the window. I`ve been arrested three times for practicing. I put a new engine in my car, but forgot to take the old one out. Now my car goes 500 miles per hour. The harmonica sounds *amazing*. I watched the Indy 500, and I was thinking that if they left earlier they wouldn`t have to go so fast. I had to stop driving my car for a while... The tires got dizzy. My neighbor has a circular driveway... He can`t get out. I used to work in a fire hydrant factory. You couldn`t park anywhere near the place.
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