You might be a nurse if...
Medical jokes
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You might be a nurse if: ? When using a public restroom, you wash your hands with soap for a full minute and turn off the faucets with your elbows. ? Your favorite dream is the one where you leave a mess at a patient`s bedside and tell a doctor to clean it up. ? Men assume you might be great in bed because of the 9 million porn movies about nurses. ? Everyone, including complete strangers, tells you about each and every ache and pain they have. ? You want to put your foot through the TV screen every time you see a nurse on a soap opera doing nothing but talking on the phone and flirting with doctors. ? You can almost SEE the germs on doorknobs and telephones. ? You can watch the goriest movie and eat anything afterwards, even spaghetti with lots of tomato sauce. ? You use a plastic 30cc medicine cup for a shotglass.
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