How to sell a lawnmower
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A young man just got a new job running the register at a store. The old-timer said he would teach him how to sell things. "Watch how I do it" he said to the new hire as a man came up to the counter. The customer put a bag of grass seed on the counter. The old-timer then said to him "You know when you plant those seeds and the grass starts growing you`re going to need a new lawnmower to cut that grass." "You know," said the man, "I do need to get a new mower, sure I`ll take one." After the customer left, the new kid said, "I think I see what you mean. Let me handle this next one." A man then stepped up to the counter and set down a box of tampons. The young salesman then said, "You know you should get you a new lawnmower to go with that." The man then asked the young salesman, "What are you talking about?" "Well," he said, "It looks like your weekend`s shot so you might as well cut the grass!"
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