Well trained hunting dog joke
Humor jokes
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This man wanted to buy a hunting dog. He heard of this guy who had a dog for sale, so he went to check it out. They get the dog out to the woods and the owner snaps his fingers and says "GO!" The dog takes off, comes back a few minutes later, and barks once. The man asked the owner "What does that mean?" The owner says "Well, he barked once, that means he saw one rabbit." The guy says "OK, let`s see it again." The owner snaps his fingers and says "GO!" The dog takes off, comes back a few minutes later, and barks twice. The guy asks "OK, what does that mean?" The owner says "Well, he barked twice, that means he saw two rabbits." The guy says "OK, one more time and he`s sold." The owner snaps his fingers, the dog takes off, comes back carrying a stick and starts to hump his owners leg. The guy says "WHAT! does that mean? The owner says "Well, that means he just saw more fuckin` rabbits than you can shake a stick at!"
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