Missing sex with ex
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A young man was dumped by his girlfriend and he was so upset he moved to the country where his uncle owned a sheep farm. One weekend, the uncle left the boy alone to attend the farm himself. Early the first morning, the boy walked up, craving sex. He had not had sex in so long, since his girlfriend broke up with him. While trying figure out a way to get rid of his erection, He walked out of the house and saw the sheep in the field. Suddenly, he got a wonderful idea and started to run down to the sheep, unbuttoning his pants as he went. Then, the sheep dog cut him off, growling and barking. The dog would not let him pass and get to the sheep. The boy gave up and went about his chores. The next day, the boy woke up and tried to sneak down to the sheep. But the dog once again would not let him get rid of them. Then, the third day, the boy heard someone screaming for help. He went down to the pond and saw a beautiful women drowning in the water. He dove in and saved Her life. When she caught Her breath, she told him, "you saved my life. To repay you, I'll do anything for you, anything at all." So the boy thought for a second, noticing how beautiful the women was while thinking how horney he was. So, the man told her, "OK, if you're sure that you'll do anything...follow me." He took Her hand and lead Her up to the farm. He took Her hand, looked into Her beautiful eyes and asked, "would you mind holding this dog for me?"
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