A poor golf shot
Humor jokes
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A married couple was on a golf course, as the woman was cadding for Her husband. The man tees up and shanks the ball way off course and it lands next to the clubhouse. The woman quickly observes that `if you open the clubhouse front doors, and I hold open the back doors, you can easily chip it right onto the green`. The man thinks about for a bit, and agrees it is a possible shot. So he lines up the shot, and chips it. Bang. It hit his wife right in the head and she dropped dead. A few years go by, and he`s up at the same tee with his new girlfriend cadding for him. He again Shanks the ball next to the clubhouse, and she notices that if she holds the back doors open it would be an easy chip to the green. The man looks totally shocked by the irony of the situation, and replies. Nah, last time I tried that shot, I double boogied the hole!!
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