Short christmas jokes
Holiday jokes
Rating : 2.13, 8 votes.
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What did Adam say on the day before Christmas ? It`s Christmas, Eve ! How do you make an idiot laugh on boxing day ? Tell him a joke on Christmas Eve ! What do you have in December that you don`t have in any other month ? The letter "D" ! What does Father Christmas suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney ? Santa Claustrophobia ! What do you call a letter sent up the chimney on Christmas Eve ? Black mail ! Who delievers cat`s Christmas presents ? Santa Paws ! Why does Father Christmas go down the chimney ? Because it soots him ! Who delievers elephants`s Christmas presents? Elephanta Claus ! How many chimney does Father Christmas go down ? Stacks ! Why is Santa like a bear on Christmas Eve ? Because he`s Sooty !
Rating : 2.13, 8 votes.
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