What's a truncheon?
Gay jokes
Rating : 6.39, 33 votes.
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Two gay men decide to get themselves chased by the police for a laugh. Two gay men decide to get themselves chased by the police for a laugh. So one of them offers to beef a copper, and promptly they are chased by two burly policemen, who are very pissed off. Soon they arrive at a two way junction. They decide to split up, so one runs to the right and escapes, and the other one ends up in an alleyway with a dead end. Fearing a shit kicking, he jumps into a bin, and pulls the lid over his head. 2 minutes later the police run in and one of them pulls out his truncheon. "Right, ya poofy wee bastard! If I find you I`m gonny ram this truncheon right up yer arse!" "I`m in here!!"
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