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A computer geek goes to prison for fraud, they put him in a cell with a 300LB guy, Having heard what happens to geeks in prison and being nervous he figures he had better introduce himself, He extends his hand and says with a quivering voice, Hi my name is John Smith... Read this joke...
After getting all of the Pope`s luggage loaded into the limo ( he doesn`t travel light), the driver notices that the Pope is still standing on the curb... Read this joke...
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A brunette goes to the doctor and as she touches each part of her body with her finger she says, "Doctor it hurts everywhere... Read this joke...
At school Little Tommy was told by a classmatethat most adults are hiding at least one darksecret, and that this makes it very easy to blackmailthem by saying, "I know the whole truth... Read this joke...
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1. If I like it, it`s mine.2. If its in my mouth, it`s mine.3. If I can take it from you, it... Read this joke...
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