Taliban tv guide
Ethnic jokes
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Taliban TV Guide MONDAYS: 8:00 - "Husseinfeld" 8:30 - "Mad About Everything" 9:00 - "Suddenly Sanctions" 9:30 - "The Brian Benben Bin Laden Show" 10:00 - "Allah McBeal" TUESDAYS: 8:00 - "Wheel of Terror and Fortune" 8:30 - "The Price is Right If Osama Says Its Right" 9:00 - "Children Are Forbidden From Saying The Darndest Things" 9:30 - "Afganistans Wackiest Public Execution Bloopers" 10:00 - "Buffy The Yankee Imperialist Dog Slayer" WEDNESDAYS: 8:00 - "U.S. Military Secrets Revealed" 8:30 - "Bowling For Food" 9:00 - "Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pita Bread" 9:30 - "Just Shoot Everyone" 10:00 - "Veilwatch" THURSDAYS: 8:00 - "Matima Loves Chachi" 8:30 - "M*U*S*T*A*S*H" 9:00 - "Veronicas Closet Full of Long, Black, Shapeless Dresses and Veils" 9:30 - "My Two Baghdads" 10:00 - "Diagnosis: Heresy" FRIDAYS: 8:00 - "Judge Laden" 8:30 - "Funniest Super 8 Home Movies" 9:00 - "Who Wants To Execute A Multimillionaire" 9:30 - "Achmeds Creek" 10:00 - "No-witness News"
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