Defining these words
Ethnic jokes
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For more than 30 years, New York magazine has run a contest in which contestants take a well-known foreign language expression, change a single letter, and provide a definition for the new expression. Here are some favorites. Harlez-vous fran?ais? CAN YOU DRIVE A FRENCH MOTOCYCLE? Cogito Eggo Sum. I THINK; THEREFORE I AM A WAFFLE. Rigor morris. THE CAT IS DEAD. Repondez-vous s`il vous plaid. HONK IF YOU`RE SCOTTISH. Que sera serf. LIFE IS FEUDAL. Posh mortem. DEATH STYLES OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS. Pro Bozo publico SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL CLOWN. Ap?s Moe le deluge. LARRY AND MOE GOT WET. Haste cuisine. FAST FRENCH FOOD. Veni, vidi, vice. I CAME, I SAW, I PARTIED. Mazel ton. TONS OF LUCK. Aloha oy. LOVE; GREETINGS; FAREWELL; FROM SUCH A PAIN YOU SHOULD NEVER KNOW. Visa la France. DON`T LEAVE YOUR CHATEAU WITHOUT IT. L`?tat, c`est moo. I`M BOSSY AROUND HERE. Cogito, ergo spud. I THINK, THEREFORE I YAM. (OK, more than 1 letter.) Veni, vidi, velcro I CAME, I SAW, I STUCK AROUND. (OK, another exception.)
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