The programmer and the talking frog
Computer jokes
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A computer programmer happens across a frog in the road. The frog pipes up, "I`m really a beautiful princess and if you kiss me, I`ll stay with you for a week". The programmer shrugs his shoulders and puts the frog in his pocket. A few minutes later, the frog says "OK, OK, if you kiss me, I`ll give you great sex for a week". The programmer nods and puts the frog back in his pocket. A few minutes later, "Turn me back into a princess and I`ll give you great sex for a whole year!". The programmer smiles and walks on. Finally, the frog says, "What`s wrong with you? I`ve promised you great sex for a year from a beautiful princess and you won`t even kiss a frog?" "I`m a programmer," he replies. "I don`t have time for sex. But a talking frog is pretty neat."
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