Funny emails
Computer jokes
Rating : 5.60, 47 votes.
Reviews : 8 [add review]
Many colleges and business`s tend to strip the last name down to 6 characters and add the first and last initial to either the beginning or end to make up an E-Mail address. For example, Mary L. Ferguson = mlfergus or fergusml. They are just now beginning to realize the problems that may happen when you have a large and diverse pool of people to choose from. Add to that a large database of company/college acronyms and you have some very funny addresses. Probably not funny to the individualinvolved, however: TOP TEN Actual E-mail Addresses 10. Hellen Thomas Eatons (Duke University) - eatonsht@dku.edu 9. Martha Elizibeth Cummins (Fresno University) - cumminme@fu.edu 8. George David Blowmer (Drop Front Drawers & Cabinets Inc.) - blowmegd@dropdrawers.com 7. Mary Ellen Dickinson (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) - dickinme@iup.edu 6. Francis Kevin Kissinger (Las Verdes University) - kissinfk@lvu.edu 5. Barbara Joan Beeranger (Myplace Home Decorating) - beeranbj@myplace.com 4. Amanda Sue Pickering (Purdue University) - aspicker@pu.edu 3. Ida Beatrice Ballinger (Ball State University) - ibballin@bsu.edu 2. Bradley Thomas Kissering (Brady Electrical, Northern Division, Overton Canada) - btkisser@bendover.com 1. Isabelle Haydon Adcock (Toys "R" Us) - ihadcock@tru.com
Rating : 5.60, 47 votes.
Reviews : 8 [add review]
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