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  Jokes > Computer jokes : Diary of a computer lamer

Diary of a computer lamer

Computer jokes Rating : 0.00, 0 votes. Reviews : 0 [add review]

July 18
I just tried to connect to America online, which I`ve heard is the best online service I can get. I can`t connect, I don`t know what is wrong.
July 19
Some guy at the tech support center says my computer needs a modem. I don`t see why. He`s just trying to cheat me. How dumb does he think I am?
July 20
I bought the modem, I couldn`t figure out where it goes though, it wouldn`t fit in the monitor or the printer. I`m confused.
July 21
I finally got the modem in and hooked up. A three year old next door did it for me.
July 22
The three year old kid next door hooked me up to America online for me. He`s so smart.
July 23
What the heck is the internet? I thought I was on America Online, not this internet thingy. I`m confused.
July 24
The three year old kid next door showed me how to use this America Online stuff. He must be a genius at least compared to me.
July 25
I tried to use chat today. I tried to talk into my computer but nothing happened. Maybe I need to buy a microphone.
July 26
I found this thingy called Usenet. I got out of it because I`m connected to America Online, not Usenet. I went to the doctor today for my regular checkup. He says that since I connected, My brain has mysteriously shrunk to half its normal size.
July 27
These people in this Usenet thingy keep using capital letters. How do they do that? i never figured out how to type capital letters. Maybe they have a different type of keyboard.
July 28
I found this thingy called the Usenet oracle. It says that it can answer any questions I ask it. I asked it 44 separate questions about the internet. I hope it responds soon.
July 29
I found a group called rec.humor. I decided to post this joke about why the chicken crossed the road. To get to the other side! ha ha! I wasn`t sure if i posted it right so I posted it 56 more times.
July 30
I keep hearing about the World Wide Web. I didn`t know spiders grew that large.
July 31
The oracle responded to my questions today. Geez, it was rude. I was so angry that I posted an angry message about it to I wasn`t sure if it posted right so I posted it 22 more times.
August 1
Someone told me to read the FAQ. Geez, they didn`t have to use profanity.
August 2
I just read this post called make money fast. I`m so exited, I`m going to make lots of money. I followed his instructions and posted it to every newsgroup i could find.
August 3
I just made my signature file. It`s only 6 pages long, So I will have to work on it some more.
August 4
I just looked at a group called I read a few posts and I really believe that aol should be wiped off the face of the Earth. I wonder what an "aol" is, however.
August 5
I was asking where to find some information about something. Some guy told me to check out I`ve looked and looked, but I cant find that group.
August 6
Some guy suspended my account because of what i was doing. I told him I don`t have an account at his bank. He`s so dumb.

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