The air freshener
Blonde jokes
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There was this sherriff who was out and about on [atrol. He's sitting on the side of the road when he sees a car swerving all over the road and going like a maniac. He gets up and pulls the car over. The driver winds down the road and says to the sherriff, "Yes?" The sherriff notices the driver is a gorgeous blonde woman. He's tempted to let her go but he decides not to. He replies to her question, "What were you doing sriving like a maniac and swerving all over the road?" The blonde quickly replies, "Well Officer, I was driving along when a tree jumped out in front of me, so I swerved to miss it. Then another jumped out in front of me and I swerved to miss it. Then another-" The officer cuts her off and says, "Mam, there's not a tree along this road for three miles. You've been dodging your air freshener swinging to and fro."
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