Guess the name
Bar jokes
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A man walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender says, "Hi stranger, my name is Mike. I`ll give you a free beer if you can guess the name of this bar in three tries." The man says, "Thanks...Mike`s Place?" "Nope." "Mike`s Tavern?" "No," "Mike`s Pub?" "No, but here`s a free beer anyway. Nobody ever get`s it. The joint`s name is Sally`s Leggs! "That`s a good one." the man says and proceeds to get royally ripped. The next morning the man is still drunk and sitting on a curb, when a cop pulls up and ask`s him what he is doing there. He responds, "I`m just waiting for Sally`s Leggs to open, so I can wet my whistle!"
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