Rudolph's medical bill
Animal jokes
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Santa Claus brings poor Rudolph to the vet. He says to the vet, "Doctor, please do something for my Rudolph. His nose won`t light up." The vet walks out of the room and returns with a pet carrier. He places the pet carrier next to the reindeer, opens it and out steps a cat. The cat walks around the reindeer and sniffs it. The cat then walks back into the carrier. The animal doctor takes it out of the room and returns. He hands Santa Claus the bill. Santa gasps, "$350 dollars! You didn`t do anything for my Rudolph and you`re charging me $350 dollars?" The vet shrugged and replied, "That`s the usual charge. $50 dollars for the office visit and $300 dollars for the CAT SCAN."
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