Poor parrot
Animal jokes
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A lady who was very lonesome bought a parrot from a pet store, complete with cage. Before purchasing it she got a guarantee that the parrot would talk.She took the parrot home. In a week and a half she returned to the store very disappointed. "The parrot doesn`t talk."Did you buy a mirror?" "No." "Every parrot needs a mirror. "So she bought a mirror and installed it in the parrot`s cage. Another week and a half went by and she returned. "The parrot still doesn`t talk." "Did you buy a ladder?" "No." "Every parrot needs a ladder."So she bought a ladder and installed it in the cage. Another week and a half passed and she returned."The parrot still doesn`t talk."Did you buy a swing?"No."Every parrot needs a swing."So she bought a swing and installed it in the cage. A week and a half later she returned. She was furious! The store owner asked, "Did the parrot talk?"No!, he died."Oh, that`s terrible. Did he say anything before he died?"Yes."What?"He gasped `Don`t they have any food down at that store?`"
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