The knob
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A lady in her late 40`s goes to a plastic surgeon for a facelift. The doctor tells her of a new procedure called `The Knob`. A small knob is implanted on the back of a woman?s head and it can be turned to tighten the skin, producing the effect of a brand new facelift forever. Naturally, the woman wants `The Knob`. Fifteen years later, she goes back to the surgeon. "All these years, everything?s been fine. I?ve turned `The Knob` on lots of occasions and I?ve loved the results. But now I?ve developed two problems. First of all, I?ve got awful bags under my eyes, and `The Knob` won?t get rid of them." The doctor looks at her and says, "Those aren?t bags, those are your breasts." "Oh," she says. "Well, I guess that explains the goatee." Submitted by ?╟·rt?? Edited by Tantilazing
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