Adult jokes
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At the end of a long crime fighting day, Superman decides he needs to relax for a few hours, so he rings spiderman to see if he`d like to go out for a drink. Spiderman replies "No, I have to repair my web spinner." So, Superman rings a few more of his super hero friends and they`re all busy. He decides in the end to go for a quick super-fly around the world to clear his mind before bed time. As he passes over Wonder-Woman`s mansion he sees her lying naked and spread eagle next to her pool. Hmmm he thinks, with my super powers I`ll fly down for a quickie and before she realizes I`ll be gone. So he swoops down and "WHAM BAM thank you maam" and he`s gone. Wonder- Woman shreiks "What was that?" And the invisible man cries "I don`t know, but I`ve sure got a sore ass!!" Submitted by gtrmark Edited by Tds181
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