Look in the wardrobe
Adult jokes
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Murphy gets home from work early and hears strange noises coming from upstairs. He rushes up and finds his wife naked on the bed, panting and sweating. "What`s up?" "I`m having a heart attack." she gasps. He rushes downstairs to grab the phone but his 4-year-old son tugs his arm and says "Daddy! Daddy! Uncle Mick is hiding in your wardrobe." So Murphy slams down the phone, rushes back upstairs and opens the wardrobe door. Sure enough his brother Mick is hiding inside stark bolluck naked. "You bastard!" shouts Murphy "There`s my wife having a heart attack and you`re running around with no clothes on scaring the kids!" Submitted by calamjo Edited by ?╟·rt??
Rating : 5.94, 79 votes.
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