Adult jokes
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This indian walks into a whore house and says, me wantem pussy. the lady at the door says,sir do you have any experiance, he replied no mam thats why i'm here. she said ,we only accept experianced custermers. the indian was frusterated as he walked back to his tribe. then he sees a tree with a knot hole and says perfect. the indian then walkes back to the whore house again and says, me wantem pussy. the lady at the door said do you have experiance now, indian said yes mam. the lady sends him to this beutiful woman on the second floor. when he walked in she asked him for his preference, and he replied, get down on hands and knees. the whore is thinking doggy style, then out of no where the indian kicks her in the ass, she jumps up and said what the hell was that for. the indian said "me checkem for bumble bees"
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