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There is a pond, and above this pond there is a fly. Underneath the water there is a fish who sees the fly and says to himself: "you know... If that fly lands on that water, I`m gonna get me that fly" Standing on the shore of the pond is a bear who says to himself: "you know... If that fly lands on the water and that fish jumps out and gets that fly... I`m gonna get me that fish." Standing off behind a tree is a hunter who sees the bear and thinks to himself: "you know... If that fly lands on the water and the fish gets the fly and the bear gets that fish... I`m gonna shoot me that bear." Hanging out of the hunter`s back pocket is a half of a sandwich. Standing behind the hunter is a mouse who says to himself: "you know... If that fly lands on that water and the fish gets the fly and the bear gets the fish and that hunter shoots that bear...the sandwich might fall out of his pocket and I`ll get me that sandwich." Standing off behind the mouse is a cat who says to himself: "you know... If that fly lands on the water and the fish gets the fly and the bear gets the fish and the hunter shoots the bear and the sandwich falls out of the hunter`s pocket and the mouse gets the sandwich... I`m gonna get me that mouse." Well sure enough the fly lands on the water and the fish gets the fly and the bear gets the fish and hunter shoots the bear and the sandwich falls out of the hutner`s pocket and the mouse gets the sandwich and the cat lunges for the mouse but misses(!) and rolls down the hill and lands in the lake. MORAL OF THE STORY...A LOTTA SHIT HAS TO HAPPEN FOR THE PUSSY TO GET WET!!
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