Going to town
Adult jokes
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One day a Tom was going to town and with him he had a butterfly on the way to town there was a man sitting by a shack with a sombrero on. As Tom reached the man, he was asked "Hey what you got there"? Tom replied "I got a butterfly, I'm going to town to get me some butter" The man in the sombrero repliedin a spanish accent "You no get no butter" Tom shrugged and then went on into town. Hours later here came Tom with a pound of butter. The next week Tom went back into town this time he had a horsefly and again sat the man in the sombrero. "What you got there"?asked the man Tom replied "I got me a horsefly,I'm going into town to get me a horse". The man just looked at him and then said"You won't get no horse". Sure enough a few hours later here comes Tom with a horse. The man in the sombrero was starring with bewildermentbut said nothing. Well a few weeks went by and Here came Tom again and the man in the sombrero asked,"What you got there"? And Tom said "Got me a pussywillow going to go into town..." And before Tom could finish the man in the sombrero replied "hold on I'm coming with you".
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