Breasts too small
Adult jokes
Rating : 4.61, 111 votes.
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A girl is complaining about the size of Her breasts to Her girl friend. She said, "I know I many be shallow, but they`re so small. I just can`t stand them!" Her girl friend replied, "Look, don`t get an operation or anything like that. I had the same problem and I went to Dr. Michaels and he helped me a lot. Make an appointment." "You do look good. OK, I`ll do it." She makes the appointment and after the examination Dr. Michaels said, "Look all you need is an exercise program and the improvement will be amazing. Here`s what you do. Stick your chest out and bring it back in. Do that for ten minutes every day. And to help you with the rhythm, do it in time with this poem, Mary had a little lamb, His fleece was white as snow. If I do this everyday, my breasts are sure to grow. She did Her exercise faithfully everyday, until one day when she forgot. She was on the bus going to work when she remembered that she hadn`t done them that morning. She looked around, and very gently stuck Her chest out and back and quietly said, Mary had a little lamb His fleece was white as snow. If I do this everyday, my breasts are sure to grow. She was startled when a fellow came up and said, "Hey, you go to Dr. Michaels, don`t you?" "Why yes," she said, "but how did you know that?" He stood up and began gyrating His hips while reciting, Hickory dickory dock....
Rating : 4.61, 111 votes.
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