Yo mama has
Yo mama jokes
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Yo mama has one leg and a bicycle. Yo mama has 4 eyes and 2 pair of sunglasses. Yo mama has so much hair on her upper lip, she braids it. Yo mama has one hand and a Clapper. Yo mama has green hair and thinks she`s a tree. Yo mama has one ear and has to take off her hat to hear what you`re saying. Yo mama has 10 fingers--all on the same hand. Yo mama has a glass eye with a fish in it. Yo mama has a short leg and walks in circles. Yo mama has a short arm and can`t applaude. Yo mama has so many freckles she looks like a hamburger! Yo mama has three fingers and a banjo. Yo mama has a wooden leg with a kickstand on it. Yo mama has a bald head with a part and sideburns. Yo mama has a wooden leg with branches. Yo mama has so many teeth missing, it looks like her tounge is in jail.
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