Stuck in the fender
Religious jokes
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Moe and Lenny are strolling home from Shul one Saturday morning. Suddenly a cab speeds past, and their friend, Irving, is running frantically behind it, flailing His arms wildly. "Well," said Lenny. "I never imagined our good friend Irving was a Sabbath violator! Look at him running for that taxi." "Wait a minute," Moe replied. "Didn`t you read that book I lent you. `The Other Side of the Story,` about the command to judge other people favorably? I`ll bet we can think of hundreds of excuses for Irving`s behavior." "Yeah, like what?" "Maybe he`s sick and needs to go to the hospital." "Come on! He was running 60 miles an hour after that cab, he`s healthier than Arnold Schwartzenweis." "Well, maybe His wife`s having a baby." "She had one last week." "Well, maybe he needs to visit her in the hospital." "She`s home." "Well, maybe he`s running to the hospital to get a doctor." "He is a doctor." "Well, maybe he needs supplies from the hospital." "The hospital is a three minute walk in the opposite direction." "Well, maybe he forgot that it`s Shabbos!" "Of course he knows it`s Shabbos. Didn`t you see His tie? It was His paisley beige l00% silk Giovani tie from Italy. He never wears it during the week." "Wow, you`re really observant! I didn`t even notice he was wearing a tie." "How could you not notice? Didn`t you see how it was caught on the back fender of the taxi?" Submitted by Calamjo Edited by Curtis
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