Matzo balls
Religious jokes
Rating : 4.97, 34 votes.
Reviews : 7 [add review]
A Jewish family invited their gentile neighbors for holiday dinner. The first course was set in front of them and the Jewish couple announced, "This is matzo ball soup." On seeing the 2 large matzo balls in the soup, the Gentile man was hesitant to taste this strange looking brew. Gently, the Jewish couple pressed the Gentile man, "Just have a taste. If you don`t like it, you don`t have to finish it." Finally he agrees. He digs his spoon in, first picking up a small piece of matzo ball with some soup in the spoon, and tasting it gingerly. Liking it, he quickly finished the soup. "That was delicious," he said. "Can you eat any other parts of the matzo?"
Rating : 4.97, 34 votes.
Reviews : 7 [add review]
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