Heaven wishes
Religious jokes
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100 men were waiting at the pearly gates of heaven to go when god appeared. He said "since as you have all lived such good lifes, i will grant you all one wish each!" So, turning to guy No.1 he said "what would you like as your wish?" "To be beautiful" was His reply, and so it was done. God asked the question to man 2 and he also said to be beautiful. Then they all were saying it and when it got to guy number 14, number 100 at the back began to giggle ... Guy 28 was saying he wanted to be beautiful when man 100 laughed out loud, and he got a piercing stare from everyone. By the time it got to man 84, the number 100 was rollling on the floor laughing His head off!! But they all ignored him. After man numero 99 said he wished to be hansome (a bit of variation!) the guy 100 finally got His wish. But first God asked why he was laughing, "no reason" he said; so God shrugged His shoulders and asked him the same question as all the others: "what do you want?" The 100th guy said "To make them all butt-ugly again!"
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