The toilet brush
Redneck jokes
Rating : 5.31, 36 votes.
Reviews : 40 [add review]
Tom, Dick and Harry were in the pub enjoying a few quiet drinks one night, when they decided to get in on the weekly raffle. They bought five $1 tickets each, seeing it was for charity. The following week, when the raffle was drawn, they each won a prize. Tom won the first prize - a whole year`s supply of gourmet spaghetti sauce. Dick was the winner of the second prize - six month`s supply of extra-long gourmet spaghetti. And Harry won the sixth prize - a toilet brush. When they met in the pub a week later, Harry asked the others how they were enjoying their prizes. "Great," said Tom. "I love spaghetti." "So do I," said Dick. "And how`s the toilet brush, Harry?" "Not so good," Harry said, "I reckon I`ll go back to paper..."
Rating : 5.31, 36 votes.
Reviews : 40 [add review]
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