Redneck quickies 20
Redneck jokes
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You might be a redneck if... It`s easier to spray weed killer on your lawn than mow it. You think that John Deere Green, Ford Blue, and Primer Gray are the three of the primary colors. You`ve ever climbed a water tower with a bucket of paint to defend your sister`s honor. Your vehicle has a two-tone paint job--primer red and primer gray. The tobacco chewers in your family aren`t just men. Your momma calls you over to help, cause she has a flat tire...on Her house The ASPCA raids your kitchen. You have to check in the bottom of your shoe for change so you can get Grandma a new plug of tobacco. You can`t get married to your sweetheart because there is a law against it. You celebrate Groundhog Day because you believe in it.
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