Business one-liners 32
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Seisline prayer: O Lord, grant that we may always be right, for thou knowest we will never change our minds. Sanity and insanity overlap a fine gray line. Say no, then negotiate. Science is always simple and always profound. It is only the half-truths that are dangerous. Science is not a sacred cow. Science is a horse. Don`t worship it. Feed it. Security depends not so much upon how much you have as upon how much you can do without. Self-blame constitutes an exquisite form of self-praise. No matter how severe the adjectives, the conversation remains fixed on oneself. For the last 40 years, all the best people have complained of neurotic disorders. - Lewis Lapham, in "Money and Class in America" (1988) Self starters...will not. Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk. Some come to the fountain of knowledge to drink, some prefer to just gargle.
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