5 people on a 1 plane
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The Presedent, his wife, the "smartest man in the world", an old man and a boy scout are on an airplane that`s about to crash. There are only 4 parachuts. The Presedent takes one saying "I`m the most important person for this countries Goverment!" So he jumps off. His wife takes one saying she helps him make destions and that "I`m with him" so she jumps off. The "Smartest man in the world takes one and says "I`m so smart I must help our new generations live life well and benifit everything!" So he jumps. Now the only the old man and the boyscout is left with one parachut. The old man says to the boy "I don`t have much longer to live anyway, so you may take the last parachut" in a sad, sulken voice. To this the boyscout pipes up saying "That`s alwright! The "Smartest man in the world" just took my backpack!"
Rating : 1.33, 3 votes.
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