Getting a third opinion
Medical jokes
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A man is walking His dog when the dog suddenly drops dead. He rushes the dog to the vet and says, "Doc, you have to help my dog. He has been with me for 15 years and is so special to me!" The vet examines the dog and tells the owner that His dog is dead. "I want a second opinion!" So the vet goes in the back and brings out a labrador retriever. The labrador jumps up on the table and starts licking the dog. There is no movement. The vet says, "Your dog is dead." "I want a third opinion!" The vet goes in the back and brings out a cat. The cat jumps up on the table and starts scratching and mauling the dog. Still the dog doesn`t move. The man says, "Doc, I guess you are right. How much do I owe you?" "480 dollars." "480 dollars! Just to tell me my dog is dead?!" "No, that`s only 80 dollars. The other 400 is for the lab work and a cat scan!"
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