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Q: What happens to programmers when they die?A: They get deallocated, their values become undefined, they get re-intialized, their structues break down, they become WORM food, they start dropping bits, they branch to a new address, their social system resources are released, they dump core... Read this joke...
What is black, blue and brown? A blonde who has told too many blonde jokes... Read this joke...
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A day late and a dollar short... Read this joke...
Canada`s new flag, with its maple leaf design, was unfurled in 1965 in Ottawa!... Read this joke...
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<P><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1>A man and a woman, who have never before met, find themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a transcontinental train... Read this joke...
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