Clintons arm panties joke
Humor jokes
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White House staffers were perplexed one morning to see Bill Clinton walk in to the Oval Office with a pair of woman`s panties on His arm. Somewhat used to the president`s tendencies, they let it go and went about their daily tasks. The day wore on; several VIPs were ushered in and out of the Oval Office for meetings with Clinton about important affairs of the state. Each one left with a puzzled expression on their face but no one dared ask about the President`s personal business. Finally, Betty Currie, Clinton`s loyal secretary walked into the office between appointments and gently closed the door behind her. "Mr. President," she said, "We`ve come to expect many unusual things from you but we`re all quite concerned that you seem to be wearing a pair of woman`s panties on your arm. Please tell me this doesn`t mean more trouble." "Oh no," the President grinned. "It`s The Patch. I`m trying to quit."
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