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Each day is longer than the previous on by 0... Read this joke...
Q: What happens to programmers when they die?A: They get deallocated, their values become undefined, they get re-intialized, their structues break down, they become WORM food, they start dropping bits, they branch to a new address, their social system resources are released, they dump core... Read this joke...
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Drew Carey once worked at a Denny`s... Read this joke...
Waxing eloquent on the sins of the flesh, the dynamic youngpreacher raised himself to full height, leaned over thepulpit and boomed, "Brothers and sisters, if there are anyamong you who have committed adultery, may your tongue cleaveto the woof of your mouf... Read this joke...
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A priest, a Buddhist and a rabbi are discussing what eachwould like to be said at their funeral... Read this joke...
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